Move-In & Move-Out Cleaning Services
​Two Moms and a Mop will ease the burdern of cleaning whether you are moving in or out. We service both staged and empty homes; no job is too big or small.
The Basic Package​
Cleaning Services Include:
​Kitchen - countertops hand wiped and disinfected, sink hand wiped, disinfected and chrome shined, exterior of appliances cleaned, fronts of cabinets, drawers and knobs hand wiped and disinfected, backsplash hand wiped and disinfected, table and chairs cleaned, trash emptied and bag replaced, floors swept and moped. ​
​Bathrooms - tile wall hand wiped, bathtubs and showers hand wiped and disinfected, shower door cleaned, vanity and sink hand wiped and disinfected, mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined, toilets thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, door handles and light switches disinfected, front of cabinets, drawers and knobs hand wiped and disinfected, trash emptied and bag replaced, floors swept and mopped.
​​Living/Family/Dining Rooms - general dusting, ensure area is tidy and cleaned, pillows and cushions fluffed, floors swept and mopped.
Bedrooms - general dusting, make beds (change linens if requested), ensure area is tidy and cleaned, vacuum.
The Premium Package
Cl​eaning Services Include: The Basic Package Plus
​Window sills and ledges hand wiped, baseboards cleaned, walls and doors hand wiped, cobwebs removed, ceiling fans dusted (non-cathedral), interior of appliances cleaned, interior of cabinets and drawers cleaned, interior and exterior of ground floor windows cleaned, interior of second floor windows cleaned, fireplace interior and exterior cleaned, front entry porch swept, front door cleaned and chrome shined, sliding glass and/or French door glass interior and exterior cleaned, grout cleaned.
The Custom Package​
​​Don't see what you want? Two Moms and a Mop can customize a cleaning package just for you. Custom cleaning quotes are available to suit your needs. Call (785) 393-7706 or contact us via email at twomomsandamoplawrence@gmail.com for a free quote.​
Are you a Real Estate Professional? - Studies have shown that the first element a buyer notices when they walk into a home is the smell. You only have 30 seconds to grab a buyers attention! Why not appeal to more than just their visual sense?
Ambient aromatherapy helps set the mood of a home and makes a tired property fresh and new again. We offer customizable scents to create whatever the environment you and your client choose. We offer customizable scents to create whatever the environment you and your client choose. Because these essential oils are all natural you do not have to worry about adverse reactions like some of the chemicals used in commercial air fresheners.
Good for you, good for your client, and good for your potential buyers!